
英文片詞 200809


from the ground up: 從頭做起

  • They needed to learn the business from the ground up.

grapevine: 以前形容電報線路為 grapevine

  • hear from the grapevine  小道新聞

  • grapevine traffics in bad news 壞事傳千里

spill the beans 將祕密說出

turn down 拒絕

  • He turn her down.

call the shots 決定某件事如何進行

  • You've got to call the shots on this project.

He is a hard nut to crack. 難對付的人

Said the spider to fly. 肯定沒好事;有不好的事將要發生;情況不妙

up to one's eyeballs 忙得不可開交

  • Don't give me one more project to complete. I'm up to my eyeballs as it is!

Let the wolf through the door. 引狼入室


Orignal From: 英文片詞 200809